

Farabrew Vocabulary Trainer - Android Version

The (slighly newer and in details different) Android Version is designed for Android Tablets and larger Smart Phones. It is available on Android Market NOW! You can also install it from this website (see below).

As of now the Android version neigther offers conjugation nor translation services.

The currently available Android release 1.0 has been used for some time now and is continuously improved.

Please send your experiences (notably with devices other than Samsung Galaxy Tab) to the author! Please always declare which device and which Android version is used. In case of display problems please attach a screen shot if possible.

Farabrew Keyboad

Click here for the Farabrew multi-language softkeyboard!

Android Download

The two APKs below may be installed on your device if "Applications -> Unknown Sources" is allowed in the Android Settings. You can also install them using the Android Debug program "adb".

- Download Farabrew for Android

- Download Farabrew Keyboard for Android

The keyboard must be enabled for use - see above!

Android Permissions

Farabrew respects the user's privacy and uses Android permissions only as follows:

Internet Access: required to transfer dictionary data as requested by the user. Farabrew will never open internet connections without the user's explicit request. Data exchanged is limited to the amount technically required and will not include personal data.

File System Access: Farabrew stores data in the folder /sdcard/Farabrew, which will be created on first use. No files in other directories are accessed without the user's explicit request.

Bind Input Method: required to register the Farabrew soft keyboard as input method. The keyboard neigther stores nor forwards data except to the desired input field.